from Houston and Galveston. She had to evacuate for
Hurricane Ike. She spent anxious moments in East Texas,
waiting for the storm to pass. Word arrived that although
her house sustained roof and chimney damage, the walls
and windows remained intact. She's back home now.
... waiting. That's all that can be done,
until the word comes, you can go
home again. Do I have one or
not? Worrying: what do they know
and are not saying? Is it bad
or not? Looking at T.V., it
is. Can't watch, but unable to
turn away. Must see. Who got hit
and who didn't? ... Word came today:
house damaged, but have one. Could be
worse: rof and chimney is all, thank
the Lord. Think of the poetry
I'll have to write when this is through!
Hurricanes penned in perfect rhyme
and meter. Will be back as soon
as I can. Just gonna take time ...
(c) 2008, Karla Dorman