Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pre-Dawn Thunder

covers of sleep pealed
back by alarm clock of light
and pre-dawn thunder

Image, (c) 2006; poem and video (c) 2009, Karla Dorman

When Is A Rainbow Not (4/16/09)

points eyes upward -

the Master's touch
painted with a
delicate hand -

not a rainbow.
related to
a sun's halo -

this lovely band
stretching across
the noontime skies.

Image, poem and video (c) 2009, Karla Dorman

Or I'll Huff and I'll Puff -

forward motion, stopped, except for
the trees. they're writhing under the
onslaught of wind, twisting this way
and that. the walls are shuddering,
cracking in pain, and i, within, tremble
as well, wondering if they'll hold, they
and the roof -- pray so. sounds like
it will pop off any second now -- how
long will the electricity stay on? not
long, if it keeps howling like it is -- a
wolf at the door. now i know how the
three little pigs felt in their flimsy shelters ...

(c) 2009, Karla Dorman.

Making the Best in a Bad Situation (5/7/5 format)

a blood red eye glares
down through a malevolent
haze of smoke and dust -

it wants me. can see
it in its expression of
absolute hatred -

because i've been bought
by the saving Grace of love,
i do not worry -

if worse comes to worse,
i will meet my Heavenly
Father, face to face -

until then, Lord, give
me strength. You are my refuge.
You are my shelter -

(c) 2009, Karla Dorman

Say A Prayer

Say a prayer: wildfires burning all
around, the sun hidden behind a
pall of smoke and haze. Smell of
flame heavy in the lungs, burning
eyes to red. Emergency bag is
packed, just in case. Nerves
jangle with every siren, heard: is
it us this time? And Saturday into
Sunday, could be running from
severe storms. Enough, Lord -
weary from worrying. Be with us -

(c) 2009, Karla Dorman