Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Ogress Chronicles: Dinner Is Served

(As ever, for Charlie and Cryssa)
Daddy rolled his eyes when he
saw his little girl piling clouds
like potatoes on his plate. Higher
and higher the towers went until
the touched Heaven's ceiling; the

tops spread out in anviled beauty
in the last light of sunset. She had
always had a flair for the dramatic
--- she got that from her mother,
as well as her purple velvet eyes.

She hummed as she worked, a
study in concentration: she wanted
it to be perfect, since she ruined
Father's Day: she still felt bad
about getting the car stuck in four

tornado holes. She'd already
made pea soup and the meatloaf
was just about done. Clouds would
be a wonderful side dish. There!
Finished! She turned around, and

there he was, tears running down
his face. She never loved him more
than she did at that moment --- she
gave him a hug that lasted forever
and then said, "I'm starving, let's eat!"

(c) 2008, Karla Dorman.

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