Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Delete, Delete, Delete [Trying To Capture Lightning On Film]

... the trials of trying to capture
lightning: camera poised and
ready. Click and shoot, shoot
--- missed. Time delay did not
time to flash. Try again. Miss.

Again. Miss! Delete, delete:
well, of course, a pretty anvil
crawler crawls across the sky
while deleting. Okay. This one
I'll --- nope. M i s s e d. Will sit

here forever, have the patience
of Job --- oh! Got one! Thank
You, Lord (even though it was
just a bright behind-the-cloud,
lovely just the same). Let's get

another. Miss. MISS! Grrrrrrr:
delete, delete (how many have
I taken? Least a hundred). Just
one OH! Got it: a teeny, tiny
spider spinning its web from

right to left --- let me have one
more --- m i s s e d. Miss. Aww,
nuts: batteries died (why don't
they last as long as it took to
charge the durn things?). The

life of a StormSpinner trying to
chase lightning, get it on film,
wondering why my images do
not compare with other chasers
who make it look effortless ...

delete. Delete. Delete: dang.
Erased all but five. Next storm
comes, you'll find me out in the
elements, trying one more time
... really need a new camera.

(c) 2008, Karla Dorman

1 comment:

Jane said...

That's actually a good shot, I haven't had the pleasure of shooting lightning yet especially with a point and shoot camera( I have a Nikon Coolpix s620), I was looking for the answer to the same question you asked at that forum as I was searching. Does your P & S have scene modes? if it has fireworks scene mode that might work on lightning since it is optimised to capture fireworks and slows the shutter down, I haven't tried it of course but if your camera has this you could experiment next time there is a storm.