Karla Dorman, Poet Extraordinaire,
(also known as StormSpinner) spun
her last storm 4 October, 2058.
When she was good,
she was very, very good.
And when she was bad,
She was still read.
That's all she wanted,
to leave her mark on the world,
judging by the numerous
volumes she left behind.
Internment was at the National Cemetary,
paying homage to her military service;
her pen was donated to the Smithsonian,
as were copies of her media appearances.
She never let fame and fortune get to her
head; she donated to her church and to
many charities she believed in: those that
helped the poor, animals, and Veterans.
She is survived by her twin sister and
many authors at the first place who loved
and accepted her poetry, Authors Den.
(c) 2008, Karla Dorman (1/27)
her parting words "I finally see the big one"...lol...
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