Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This Is Your Shame

Ribbons of valor,
of service and Purple Hearts
will not put food on

Veteran's tables.
The strings get caught between teeth
shredded on medals.

They will not nourish
stomachs cramping from hunger.
They will not ease the

pain of injuries
or nightmare sweaty dreams; they
will not pay the bills.

This is your shame. You
deny them what they have earned:
good medical care,

a liveable wage
and the respect and honor
they rightly deserve!

And yet Congress gets
a yearly cost of living
increase ... did they serve?

Are benefits they
receive more important than
those who've paid the price?

(c) 2008, Karla Dorman

1 comment:

Janet Caldwell said...

Hi Sweets! This is so true and one of my pet peeves! ARGHHH, the govt. is cruel to our military men/women. I have started a blog myself. It can be found at Take care my friend.

Janet xoxoxo