'Twas the night before Christmas at the SPC, Mets read the models, to see if they'd agree. The stockings were hung, by the radar with care, In hopes a better forecast would be in there.
Storm chasers were all nestled, all snug in their beds, With visions of supercells dancing in their heads. I, the lead forecaster, said there'd be no storms, The conditions weren't right for them to form.
I had just laid down for a long, Winter's nap, When all of a sudden, lightning hit with a SNAP! And out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, I leaped from my bed, to see what had shattered!
Looked out of the window, and what did I see? A tornado. A big one: I think, EF-3! I ran to the office, to sound the alert, Praying like thunder that no one would get hurt.
The chasers ran to their cars, lightbars aglow, Along with their computers, cameras in tow. When, to my wondering eyes, who should appear? But Santa Claus and his eight tiny reindeer!
He did not look happy. He was soaking wet. Hail bounced off of his head. BOY, was he upset! He screamed and he hollered, used my name in vain, Said I would never work in this town again.
"Now, Burney. Now, Carter. Now, Jackson and Norris! Bontempo and Miller, is it headed for us? You need to save Christmas. I NEED A REPORT. On, Adams! On, Talbot! Give your best effort!
Which way is it heading? I have got to know! WHICH WAY IS THAT TORNADO GOING TO GO???" Kendra booted the live feed on ChaserTV, It was watched by one million, four hundred and three.
The tornado roared through some big empty fields. Chasers and spotters all kept their windshields. The storm would be discussed on Storm Track the next day, On why things had gotten together that way.
Santa gave everyone extra presents that year, For saving lives, he gave them new cars AND new gear. He forgave me, and as he drove out of sight, He said, "That's the last time I'll storm chase at night!!!"
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