Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Need Storms. NOW.

A stormchaser needs storms. And
when there aren't any, she will make
one anywhere she can ---- even if
only in a shadow made by a tree.

Squint your eyes and tell me that
doesn't look like a tornado bearing
down. SDS isn't pretty ---- trust me.
Got me looking at nonexistant

rotation on the side of a building,
for Pete's ---- know the neighbors
are wondering about my sanity.
Fully expecting a knock at the door

from the friendly folk on the mental
health ward of the hospital. They
might give me a new jacket with
long sleeves and take me away ...

(c) 2010, Karla Dorman (7/19)

1 comment:

LadyJtalks said...

this is cool, I like being able to follow you here too...