Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Storm In My Head

Looking forward (no, i'm not) (yes,
i a m) to Storm Season, 2010 --- two
opportunities to get out (die) (will
you just shut. Up?!?) i n the wind

and rain and confront my fear once
and for all. If I could just tell these
two arguing in my head to s h u s h,
that is. One wants to go (no i don't

no i don't) (will you just be quiet
and let her tell her story?) and the
other one doesn't (see, i told you)
(i'm not going to tell you again ---).

Time I take the bull (tornado?) (oh,
my word, will you stop with the
negative attitudes?!?) by the horns
and tell it it has no power over me.

Have let it run over me for far too
long. (yeah, she's gonna go out
and meet the bear, shake its hand.)
(no, i'm not.) (see? having second

thoughts already, aren't you, aren't
you?) Alright, that's enough. I'm
going to do this, whether they're
ready to or not. Not going to waste

the rest of my life hiding every time
it thunders. (yeah, but ---) I'll do all
I can to stay safe. (yeah but -----
what if things go wrong??) (what if

they don't? think of all she'll have
to write about! she's made up her
mind. nothing you can say. might
as well sit back and enjoy the ride.)

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Thank you. (how come i always do
what she wants to do??) (because
she's the boss. THAT'S how come.)

(c) 2009, Karla Dorman (12/9)

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