Day Two: Was dampened by
tears in the forecast, as Karen
couldn't join me. A mistake
was made, don't know how ...
so I had to wing this on my
own. Got to the studio around
1:30 PM, met up with the guys,
had a brief rundown on what
was going to happen. They got
set up, and then: ACTION!
Met David Finfrock, the Chief
Meteorologist at NBC Channel 5,
KXAS Fort Worth. It was like
we'd known each other forever,
we talked like old friends as we
discussed all things weather.
Took a tour of the StormTrack
5 Weather Studio (in HD, yet!),
saw all the myriad radars
and technology used to bring
viewers the latest information.
Watched David prepare for his
live forecasts from the sidelines,
got to watch the TV anchors
give the news, and then it was
his turn. His calm voice explained
the weather in a way that was
clearly understood, not dumbed
down; and then it was over, the
5:00 PM local news, on to the
national/international events
of the day while David prepared for
his second live broadcast. Time
for the 6:00 news: three, two,
ONE. After that, some exterior
shots, a quick interview, and
then ... presenting the newest
meteorologist at NBC Channel 5,
KXAS, Karla Dorman!! Greenscreen
time!! *o, nutz. kept messin' UP*
Take two - Take THREE - Got it on
the third take. Doing the weather
a whole lot harder than watching!
David said that when he goes on
vacation, he knows who he's calling
to fill in for him! *i hope that was
a joke* Very nice, very serious
about his job, knows his weather
well: been at the studio 32 years!
I'd have some mighty big shoes to
fill. A meteorologist I am not. A
Poet, yes, a weathergirl ... nah.
Got to present him with the poem
I wrote for him ("Big Weather"), he
was very impressed. That made
me feel so good. He said I have a
way with words. We discussed my
phobia, he understands because
Texas has just that: big weather.
But knowing a little more of the
science behind the forecasts, the
knowledge that they are on top
of things lessens the fear a little
bit: 'til the storms are overhead.
All in all, a good day, even though
Karen couldn't join us today. Maybe
that will change later in the forecast.
(c) 2007, Karla Dorman