Sunday, January 27, 2008

Isaac's Storm

No announcement of the
coming storm, except what
was in the clouds, the wind,
the rain. Nature's warning
screamed, "Hurricane!" Science

knew it all (Galveston,
Texas, Nineteen Hundred) -
inCLINEd to believe it:
been blows, before. They'd come
onshore and leave just as

quickly. Not this day, the
Eighth of September: streets,
overran; stilted homes
deemed impervious knocked
off their foundations; six

thousand men, women and
children died. The sea coughed
up its dead; funeral
pyres burned for weeks - the
unnamed storm was Isaac's:

remembered for its strength,
for its ferocity,
for the damage it caused,
for unraveling man's
attempt to outguess God ...

(c) 2007, Karla Dorman

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