Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Miracle in the Storm

... Survivors wander the ruined landscape;
in shock, they look at the remainders
of familiar comforts, now scattered and
broken; they pick through the pieces,
heartsick at their loss, grateful they're alive.
... A sudden cry pierces the rain filled night;
flashlights answer the summons; it is
a mother, holding her daughter's doll; mud
covered, it survived; al little girl
will be reunited with her best friend.
... In another part of town, parents look
in wonder at the tree resting on
the bed where their boy had been sleeping; their
son had been awakened by the wind;
he went into Mommy and Daddy's room.
... Under a fallen house, a tiny mew
shivers through the air; a Mama cat
and her six kittens took refuge in the
basement; they are wet and scared, but are
safe; seven more miracles in the storm.
... And Gramma will have her loving Poppy
to share the rest of her days with; he
slept through the worst of the storm; his hearing
aids still on the nightstand; Gramma said
Pop's snores were louder than the tornado!

(c) 2006, Karla Dorman

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